Educational Information Technology
We are located in the Center for Medical Student Services (216 O’Dowd Hall). Technology support staff are available to OUWB medical students and faculty during regular business hours.
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine through the Office of Educational Information Technology supports ubiquitous self-directed learning through the mediums of:
- Lecture capture
- Virtual microscopy
- Anytime access to library assets
- Online content rich resources
The Office of Educational Information Technology Includes:
- Information Systems
- Student/Faculty Computer Support
OUWB medical students will receive a 13” MacBook Air and iPad with Apple Pencil for their use throughout their medical education. These devices will include a 4-year AppleCare warranty. The laptops will have Microsoft Office, CrashPlan and Sophos virus protection software installed on them.
Student laptop’s Documents and Desktop files will be backed up to an external server through the use of CrashPlan software.
Laptop repairs are facilitated through the Helpdesk team and if needed, a loaner computer will be provided in the event a laptop must be sent in to AppleCare for repair.
Upon graduation or separation from the program, the laptop will be transferred to the student.
Meet the Team |
Dawn Gorris
Fred Haydon
Matthew Holtz
David Zhu, M. Eng.
Educational Tools
iSEEK is an embedded web application that enables students, faculty, and staff to perform “smart” content searches in Moodle. The software aggregates data from Moodle to return relevant, contextual results to queries ranging from student research, data assessment, curriculum mapping, and accreditation inquiries. Basically, iSEEK is a search tool, similar to Google, that allows the user to search terms in all curricular materials on the OUWB Moodle website. The queries return answers in context, allowing the user to see the presentation or handout with the click of the button. Searches may be limited by academic year, course title, MeSH terms and other useful parameters.
Upon entering a course within Moodle, users will notice a new Block for iSEEK Search to the bottom left of the navigation pane.
iSEEK provides the ability for students to search through the content for all of the OUWB courses for which he or she is, or has been, enrolled. Faculty members have been assigned ‘Reviewer’ access to all courses in Moodle to remove barriers and limitations, allowing them to search and view the entire curriculum.
iSEEK performs searches through all course-associated materials that have been posted to Moodle; this includes presentations, course documents, articles, electronic resources, and Panopto video files.
Search filters include the following options: Academic Year, Graduate Year, Semester, Course, Section, MeSH, Date, Type, File Type, and Instructor.
Users may perform searches with or without quotations around the key term or phrase. Applying the quotations limits the search results to the specifics of the term or phrase within them.
Virtual Pathology/Microscopy is an emerging technology in research, education, and patient care.
The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine uses Biolucida for virtual microscopy. We view it as a powerful tool for teaching and learning. It extends the learning environment to anywhere a student has Internet access, be it the classroom, library, laboratory, dormitory, or the local coffee shop.
Virtual Microscopy provides tools that give our instructors the ability to annotate images and ensure the long term availability of irreplaceable glass slides. It allows students the freedom to explore and manipulate images, creates a familiarity with an important new technology, and frees students from the expense and responsibilities of rented microscopes and glass slides.